Love in February

by By Melissa Garrison

Y’all! I have a brand spankin’ new grandbaby! He made his arrival on February 14, the day of love.

He is healthy, beautiful and very loved. Now, the question is, what will he call me?

I’ve not thought too much about it until now, and the hunt is on. While doing my research, I’ve saw so many names for grandmas. And I wanna sound young and hip, you know?

Even so, it’s hard to get it just right. So I narrowed it down to Grammie and I also love Granny Pie, for the secret hippie in me.

So we’ll see. Either way, it’s gonna be good. It’s nice to be loved, huh? And to have someone to love.

When I saw my sons features in my grandson a whole new spark lit inside of me.

How did that even happen, how are there so many similarities? Genetics are crazy. And God makes us all unique too. Our very own fingerprint and eyes that can’t be duplicated.

Man, He must love us too, to put so much thought in the way we are designed. And guess what else? My grandbaby had a new little buddy born right after to get to grow up with.

So we’ve been double blessed this week. Our hearts are full and February has been nice.

Now, I’m ready for spring. And I’ll tell you a little secret. Thinking about Groundhog Day and the fact that he said spring will come sooner than later.

While at the dinner table, discussing all of the different meats that we’ve eaten, I mentioned a type of steak that my mamaw always fixed, it was amazing, but nobody could tell me what kind it was. I

t was groundhog, and I loved it. I never knew I’d tried groundhog, but I knew my mamaw always did. I just thought she was the only one eating it. I hope I’m a grandma like that.

The only thing better than having kids, is having grandkids.